Got some pussy last night!
Last night I headed into Cambridge to go to the House of Blues as an "official" photographer for Color and Talea. There was some mix-up regarding permission to take photographs, but I ended up signing some release that prohibits using the photos for practically anything....I don't think I'm allowed to look at the prints either. But anyway, it was quite cool since I got to hang out with the band in the "green room" before the show and had a lot of opportunities to shoot. I ended up taking about 60 shots, and I hope some are decent. Seeing the behind the scenes stuff and booking agent squabbling certainly was interesting. If I learned anything it was that playing in a jazz trio will probably not make one a millionaire.
After the show, since I had no place to stay, the band let me stay at their place in Allston. In the middle of the night, I felt some creature on top of me, but I couldn't tell what it was. It was either a cat or a large cuddly rat that purrs when you pet it. Thankfully, it turned out to be a cute orange cat. He or she curled up next to me for the whole night for some reason.(hence the title of this entry...what did you think I meant?? you dirty people)
like any story, there's more to it than that, but some things are better left unsaid.