Runcible Blog

tonight at 11...

I don't watch the network news very much, but it seems like there's always some "investigative report" that just blows the lid off of some obscure scam or other pointless story. And increasingly, the stories sound like some reporter's, producer's, or executive's personal grudge. Does anyone else notice that? For instance, I imagine a producer waking up one day to see that the garbage men didn't pick up his trash that morning, so the next week the 11 o'clock news runs a story that exposes how lazy and incompetent garbage men are. Cut to a reporter jumping on the back of a garbage truck, confronting a worker by shoving a microphone in his face and imploring, "isn't it true that you're lazy?! Isn't it true that you take lunch breaks that are 3 minutes too long?!?! Do you expect the taxpayers to pay for your incompetence?!?!" It's silly. Actually, I saw a real example tonight on 20/20 which made me feel better knowing that Barbara Walters and her posse are covering all the important issues of our day. They exposed the multi-thousand dollar anti-baldness scam, finally. They harassed several people, including salesmen and phony doctors (does anyone really believe TV doctors on commercials?) to show that those guys are trying to cheat YOU, the balding rich guy, out of your hard-earned money. Thank goodness for 20/20. It makes me wonder which of the balding producers lost a bunch of money on minoxidil pills. "Let's get those bastards!" What's next, an exposé that reveals the scaly underside of the penis-enlargement industry? Maybe Andy Rooney can cover that one.