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Since I started using Fossil for source code management, I've become such a devotee that I'm using it for everything. Over the years, this site has been a Django site, a static site, a Nikola blog (also static HTML), a Hatta wiki, and maybe a few more iterations I can't remember.

Fossil definitely isn't flashy, and it's not exactly ideal for hosting a personal site, but I like it because:

Basically, it's a reliable tool. It's not the best at any of its individual features, but it's good enough, and tries to get out of the user's way.

As a personal site (or dedicated discussion forum), it's a little clunky, unless you use permissions and a bunch of configuration to hide some of the programmer biases. And the editors can seem foreign or antiquated to people used to writing content on facebook, etc. It's definitely made for and by programmers, but I don't think it's totally inscrutable to the average user. It's just that most people aren't going to put in much effort to learn how to use a new interface.