Runcible Blog

"the most dangerous liberal columnist"

I'm watching Tim Russert interview Paul Krugman on CNBC, and I noticed a couple things:

  • His name is pronounced KROOG-man rather than KRUG-man. How about that.
  • While reading his columns, I imagined his voice being that of a grizzled, pissed-off intellectual powerhouse. Instead, he speaks with a geeky, anxious, somewhat self-conscious manner (think Richard Dreyfus). Let's just say he has a voice for print.
  • He's still the man when it comes to exposing the administration's lies and distortions.
  • I'll have to check out his book, "The Great Unravelling". If there's a lot of economic mumbo-jumbo, I might lose interest. Ideally, it'll be a fun pop-up book.