Runcible Blog

april comes in with a squish

April is off to a jolly start, with pranks on the 1st; Barnes and Noble loitering and much people watching/ridiculing with lee lee on the 2nd; and Davis Square cafe squatting, burrito eating, and movie watching on the 3rd. Oh, and I tried Red Stripe. (Yay, beer...but isn't it supposed to taste good? maybe I missed something)

Inching toward my 22nd year on the planet, I figure this one might as well be the best one yet. Of course, I'll probably jinx myself and owe you all a Coke, but I'm glad to have as a birthday present someone who digs me as I dig her. I hope the simultaneous, giddy digging continues well into the year — 2005, the year of our lord, George Bush...