Runcible Blog

snow what?

didn't father time and mother nature get the memo? my birthday just recently passed, therefore, hence, ergo, i.e., whenceforth: winter is over, my friends. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

so cold

my room is colder and darker without you.  
my bed is less soft without you.  
it creaks -- does not invite me.  
blankets are useless against the drafty windows.  
your absence lowers my body temperature.  
fingers and toes move slowly in the chilly night.  
my circulation grinds to a halt without you.

my dreams are less vivid without you.

the morning sun shines dimmer without you.  my alarm screams louder without you.  
jumping out of bed feels empty when we're not jumping out together.

my bagel burns without you.

my car starts roughly without you.  traffic is worse without you.

work drags more slowly without you.

work drags more slowly without you.

work drags more slowly without you.

inspiration wanes without you.

my room is colder and darker without you.

think I'm gonna wait til tomorrow

I left a little early today so that I could go for a run. Unfortunately, I skipped it because it was chilly outside... I want to run a little bit this week so that I can jump in the last mile of the marathon next monday. That's what I did in 2003 (has it been that long?? What did I do last year?). I figure if I run every day this week (except today) I'll be fine for a mile. A fast mile would put some strain on my ticker, but a slow mile is cake. Besides, although I might be out of shape, I've been doing more endurance sports lately, such as....well, uhh, nevermind.

waiting to exhale

I feel a little woozy already. I have to hold my breath until I get some kind of response.

not a good way to start the week. but it's my own fault. haven't I learned to shut up? to keep my thoughts to myself? I don't know if I ever will, at this rate.