Runcible Blog

Checking In

Wow, it's been more than two weeks since the last entry. What is there to say? Everything is a blur right now. Some stuff that's happened:

I got sick of getting bills for my student loans, so I paid off one of them in full (about $1050). Flush, down the drain. I still have another one for about the same amount.

I went to boston tonight, met Manny Garcia (supposed relative of Jerry), and walked around quincy market about 50 times. After 3 hours, I have 2 pictures to show for it. I'm feeling uninspired.

Work is work. I often wonder about the people who have spent 20 years working their way up the corporate ladder to some menial middle management position. Somebody shoot me if I ever get close to that point. I'm convinced that there's something in the water at all businesses that turns otherwise sane employees into corporate drones. It's either tainted water or the mandatory lobotomies. I forget which.

Wasted Day

I don't know about you, but I find it disappointing and not too fun when I get ditched. It's kind of a sinking feeling. I blew most of the day thinking someone was going to return my call, but it never happened. Even a lie would have been better than no response -- at least then I would be able to make other plans (as unlikely as that may be).

I'm not mad though. There are too many other, more important things to be angry about (see every day's news regarding this ridiculous colonial war in Iraq). But I'm disappointed and a little sad. When I tell someone I'll call or be someplace at a certain time, you better believe I will. I can't stand being late or unreliable. I'm not too harsh on everyone else though. Not everyone is as fanatical about being on time as I tend to be (going to work is another matter -- I don't usually make any promises that I'll arrive there on time).

Anyway, that's enough chatter. I still have to get that assignment done somehow.